Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boss Metal Coreml 2 Scheme

The Winner Cracker Dogs ....

I am ....
Since I have only time to go fly for joy!

A click on the picture to you the mango Minster page

This is incredible! I can not believe it.
Many, many thanks to all my friends who voted for me. I love you!

the first time I have participated on Mango Minster retiring. In 5 categories were respectively 20 candidates. Users from around the world have participated and voted.
Now I'm in the "Best in Show Selection!
to 3 other winners dog and a cat-winner.
can vote from NOW be!

Scrolls to the mango Minster side down to the article "Best in Show"
again Just leave a comment.
If you do not know what to write you shall ranges of Set
"I vote for Mischka " or " Mischka for Mango Minster " completely.
Your comment will be visible after the Submit your non-decision.

I count on you again!

Very happy took me a comment on the vote of the "Cracker Dogs. It makes me proud that I had done as Airedale for the international reputation of the Germans something positive.
As king of the terriers Verpflichtungen.Und has of course now I'm an ambassador!
Bertie from Scotland wrote in the comment: "... Excellent choices - we too thought Mischka's entry unbelievably awesome time, surely, to ditch the stereotypes about Germans lacking a sense of humor.!
Freely translated: .... This is an excellent choice - we keep Mishka's entry incredibly awesome. It is time, with the stereotypical -. The Germans would make no sense of humor, final


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