Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Interpretation Of T-test Results

Eli Stone - The Second Ring in the New

sixx A topic that is close to my heart. One of the best serial in recent years but still at last sent to an end after ProSieben put down the series before the last three episodes. From 9 May the entire series, which is unfortunately only two seasons, Sundays 20:55 to clock Sixx broadcast TV. Then we finally know the outcome.

How Come I Weigh More In The Am Then The Pm

sixx early May, more precisely on 7 It is time again. A new station enters the ring (and if you're thinking that I could not speak German, who think a closer look about it). ProSiebenSat.1 sends the "Send Erin" Sixx TV into the race. With lots of nice serial that is not brought enough rate for ProSieben or take to be partly in original broadcast of films will be brought to the main channel of the woman. Equal to the first broadcast, there is a free-TV premiere, which were thus The "Sex and the City" movie - expected more from rate view of the red would have seven. For the time being only be distributed digitally Sixx TV, an HD launch is not planned until further notice. But the content for series fans sound very promising. Let's see if ProSiebenSat.1 once a project does not go with really strong commitment to the wall.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sayings For Shower Receipe Cards

from red to green

green-seven-a2 Yeah, ours is already a red seven mega innovative channel. Here is everything you need for the German people 14 to 29 Docutainment a bit, a little show, a bit shallow information and an enormous amount of good conscience. So on any of these unscrupulous Generation on Friday at the Red Seven Seven Green Day, and learn how to save the environment with tomato sauce, or as Nela is tough environmentally aware so total. Sounds cool. But what should rumkommt in, but be vanishingly small. So, ProSieben, rather "We love to entertain you" than "We love to pseudo-educate you." Because only a broadcast is really worth seeing, and that is Al Gore. Even if his Inconvenient Truth is to see only against 23h.