Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ceremony Programs Wording In Spanish

Sends him dead!

n24logo ProSiebenSat.1 That again is in crisis, is not the latest, and probably no one more surprise. Even the sometimes abstruse plans around the house are not a news channel new phenomenon. But now these plans have taken exactly new, even more absurd ways. Mr. Ebeling, N24-Charge was the best that we can save even more on the core of every journalist and media existence, the news. Why should the medium of moving pictures moving pictures ever show? It's just unnecessarily expensive. And for what you need the skills in areas such as politics and economics? "News to Use", as she calls Ebeling, are much much more practical and a great way also dirt cheap. It must deal not so smart people, interns can cut together well, or better pictures together, how to correct the Butt wipes - and those are the really important issues in life. Nice to be prepared this news sure to be 2.0 Tagesschau quote technically millions, oh beat nonsense trillion.

Sometimes it is really much unpeinlicher, the core of the media house to give the coup de grace as it systematically and embarrassing final drive with great vigor against the wall.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Affidavit Of Fathers Consent

monotony of the German TV

It's sobering and terrible. Since it has been a long time once again to do an afternoon to do exciting and thinks that it is possible, too, for a change to the goggle box (or now the Flimmerpanel) advice. So up on the chair and into the world with the colorful, moving images. Full of anticipation of good entertainment is my receiver to RTL (RTL I watched last night by the way). And what you or I that case, I get to see, is real in all the dignity of every clear-thinking. Since when deemed "suspect cases" - the name of the show - entertaining. Well, if it would not play the amateur theater troupe Depp home and it did not come from the pen of a UW-class hacks, it would certainly have some, at least potential entertainment value, but under these circumstances, it is just disappointing, Mama zuzugucken anyway how to get out gets, yet so brave that she murdered his ex lover added. Pure excitement, but before I fall asleep, I try my left hand and press the Down button of my remote control and land the good old DFF, MDR uh, sorry. World Travel - The four faces of the Caucasus. Too bad it's over in five minutes. It seemed to have been somewhere interesting, but I do not understand the connection and the comment will certainly talk about a patient's sleeping pills. So head down to neo ZDF. This time, a documentary about some Heinrich - dubbed terribly, I thought something is running only on our pseudo-news channels. Well, on to the ZDF: Oh my God! However one of those pesky zoo soaps. Who invented the snow at all? I think he is shot - or Animal Planet banned. The way to the first I save me now - before it runs only Olympic yawn. So up to the seven red and another scripted reality. Well, the guys are pretty sweet and unfortunately strunz hollow. And the language level could not be created much deeper. What does one do not like everything for its users, the new German educational Far - with the actor voluntarily on Sunday for the school to learn - laaaaangweilig! That reminds me, my great receiver owns a 10-channel list. So I can skip the remaining private. And so I land at the 35th Timm TV. Did not the day off on Astra? Too bad the Timmousine running, otherwise I watch the channel very much, but the talk show today about outdoor fun in uniform. But I have other sources, thereof one must not speak. So you go back further; DrDish. And once again a high-quality magazine. Why do I only need one of this stupid Edision Receiver to buy? I should not advise DrDish objectively? Well no matter, whatever. 15minutes have passed. And I do not spend much time should have been ineffective. But now I know again why I have a PC and a BDP - to escape easily to the vale of television. Thanks to modern technology, and go die German TV - you're terrible. At least Monday afternoon.